Tantrums and 2 year olds 

We’re edging closer to having a two year old and the tantrums are starting. 

I can’t help but wonder if the tantrums are supposed to be as entertaining as they are? Such drama – where do they learn this?! 

This mornings tantrums started when we are walking around a store looking for a baby shower gift. My little one starts saying (on repeat) “my baby sister” – now let’s be clear, I am not pregnant, I am not planning on becoming so anytime soon and I’m wearing a very baggy shirt so it’s entirely possible that any passing person may mistake my pouchy stomach for a baby if they hear my child talking about her “baby sister” so in the interests of not being asked “when are you due?” I decide to shut this down. Commence tantrum number 1 “😭😭😭😭😭 no baby sister”. Pretty funny
Now getting my two year old to sleep during the day is impossible at home, so since we’re out I figure now is a good time to induce sleep. I make the call to get a drive thru coffee since I know I’ll need to drive for 30mins minimum to then be able to do the lift/drop into bed (success rate 15%).  Here I am ordering my caramelised cap with an extra shot and the toddler who isn’t yet asleep commences tantrum number 2 a “my baby chino” – yes you heard right. A tantrum because I didn’t order her a coffee (pretend of course). 

I love my toddlers tantrums! 

I’m over it… 

I’m over following and supporting blogs – you know the mommy blog that’s all about being a mother and our challenges and triumphs… The mommy blog you get invested in because you can relate and the content is fantastic. Then, somewhere along the line their feed gets clogged up with these product endorsements. Initially you stick with it because you enjoy the content, but then the content shifts to pushing products. It’s although all the posts have been leading up to this shift … designed to gather a following of a demographic that the products are specifically targeted to. 
Please don’t be offended if you write sponsored posts from time to time. This isn’t what I’m venting about. 

What I’m asking is – where is the authenticity?  

For instance I love coffee, it’s my fuel and I have some big opinions on coffee. Say a coffee company want me to write about my love for coffee and review their product. To me this would seem like a good fit – however ethically Id feel like it was my responsibly to my audience to put them before profit. To be balanced in my review. 

I’m so sick of fake.

I’m that person..

Having a child changes you, no matter what you say. 

Before having a child my views on child raising one were so different to the reality. I was that person who said “my kid isn’t going to watch the wiggles”, “my kid isn’t going to eat packet food”, “I’m not going to be one of those parents who only talks about their kid” – fast forward 2 years and I’m sitting at work waiting for my hubby to send videos of our little one rocking out at the wiggles concert, or mid getting ready for school and her favourite wiggles song will come one and we’ll stop what we’re doing and run around the family room singing and dancing. The thing is as much as The Wiggles are/were annoying to childless people, I’m sure there are equal numbers of people who the show has saved their sanity – giving a parent 10 minutes of peace in amongst their crazy day at home with kids. And let’s not forget the JOY the music brings to our little people. That stuff is priceless. Seeing our little people know the actions to the songs and how excited they are for their favourite song – trying to sing along. That is what it’s all about. 

Walking around the supermarket the other day I looked into my trolley and realised I’m now the person I used to judge. My trolley was laden with all sorts of kid friendly food, lots of ready to go meal options and snacks. Don’t get me wrong I’m not talking junk food. I’m talking hearty meals that I can take out of the freezer and have hot in 4 minutes. My maternity leave self would never have allowed it. My full time working mum self knows we need to cut some corners. 

“I’m not going to be one of those mums who only talks about her kid” … Lol here I am doing a mommy blog. You know what, these little people are incredible. And the joy they give – why wouldn’t a parent want to talk about them non-stop, oh and show hundreds of pics of them too! 

It’s funny to look back and reflect on how much our perspective shifts after becomming parents and how life is all about the little things we find joy in. 


Yes! This my toddlers current  fascination. 

We walk thru a shop, she sees underwear and says “boobies, boobies, boobies!” – on repeat. 

But by far the most awkward toddler moment we’ve had so far was her attempt to breastfeed a few nights ago. Yes awkward. I can’t believe I’m actually telling people about this… Awkward!! Ok, so we haven’t Breast fed since the 13 month mark and I’m pretty sure she has no recollection of that at all. But the other night were having a cuddle on the couch and the next thing I know this miniature ninja hand has gone down the inside of my top and her heads heading in the same direction! I’m like… Whoooooooa hold up!!!!! 

So long story short – she sees a Mum breastfeeding her baby at daycare and I’m guessing is putting 2 and 2 together. We’ve also had a recent fascination of her wanting to look at baby photos and point out the people she knows in the photos and her pointing out herself in the pics. 

It’s crazy how these smart little cookies pick up on everything. 

Is it wrong that I find the whole walking thru a store “boobies, boobies, boobies” bit halarious. I think I’ll share the joy/laughs with more people this weekend when we go shopping!