Shock & Horror! 

Little Miss 2 & I attended her first dentist appointment yesterday. It was moved forward because the night before I’d found a big chip out of one of her teeth. Cue sad face and the worry that her gorgeous little face with a perfect set of baby teeth would now be more like a hillbilly. 

Isn’t it funny when your childless you can easily get thru the supermarket or sitting in a waiting room without a conversation with a stranger. But as soon as you have a baby or child that all changes. 

We are happily sitting in the waiting room chatting to each other about what we can see and what was about to happen, when a middle aged woman who had overheard us speak with the receptionist asked me if she had chipped her tooth? And how that had happened. Without thinking I said it had happened at Daycare (#thetruth). 

So firstly, it wasn’t until after the conversation I thought – what the hell?! That wasn’t the end. 

Her face turned up like she’d just smelt off milk as I said daycare. Then made a “oh those irresponsible carers” look, followed by insisting on knowing which centre it was. 

For anyone with a toddler, you’ll know how crazy toddlers are and the things they get up to, it could have happened anytime. It really annoys me that people feel they need to be like that about daycare and implying that because I’m not angry that there’s something wrong with me – ha ha. The final clincher… Her comment that it’ll now cost me! I couldn’t help myself at this point, “oh it won’t be too bad”, followed by fixing up the bill while she was still waiting in the waiting room – and it not costing a thing due to our health insurance. 

So to the middle aged woman who was judgy and negative – and who also tried to scare me two year old at her first appointment by saying how “scary” the dentist is, I hope you enjoyed seeing my happy little poppet leave the dental surgery totally ecstatic with her new toothbrush, balloon and sticker after having a cool ride in the dentists chair, and seeing a relaxed mumma just go with the flow. 

6am conversation

Don’t you just love waking up and have a few moments to actually wake up in peace and quiet before you start your day? I know I did … until about 2 years ago. 

At least things have progressed from newborn cries, to the yelling out Mummy/Daddy, weekday mornings my husband moves Miss 2 into our bed when he leaves for work, he gets a sleepy morning cuddle & it usually allows an extra 15 minutes shut-eye for me. 

Wake-up time varies from “Mummy wake up” accompanied by a bop to the head, or a nice cuddle or the secret sneak – the 2 year old thinking I can’t hear her creep out of my room. This mornings 6 am conversation blew me away. Actually it made me laugh that hard on the inside (with a straight face on the outside). 

Miss 2: it’s a bit stinky in here. Mummy have you been doing poppies (farts) ? 

Me: No! (In all seriousness I hadn’t) 

Miss 2: it must’ve been Daddy. It stinks. 

Me: it must’ve. (Except I couldn’t smell anything at all!) 

Ah yes a laughing the morning is exactly what you need to kick off your day. A day that by 8am I had been wee’d on and phlegm’d on – all before school drop off. This is the life ladies! 😂

Me time 

I love getting away, having time to be on my own. 

In the last almost 2 years life has become a whirlwind like any first time parents know. I love knowing that my beautiful daughter is being cared for by her doting father and that there is nothing at all for me to worry about there. 

Where we live we don’t have family we can call on to help. When we get sick we just have to truck on thru it. We don’t get date nights, except for those when our little darling is tucked up in bed at 7pm and we get take out and watch a movie. I love those nights. 

When family come to visit the offer to babysit and we gladly take them up on their offer. There might be 3 visits a year. 

I’m not complaining, I’m setting the scene. 

So when my husband and I get weekends away even separately we relish in the freedom. Freedom to sleep in, take our time to get ready, go to not so kid friendly restaurants and enjoy quality time with our friends. 

When people ask if I’m missing my daughter it’s difficult to explain without it sounding like I’m wanting a pity party. Sure I miss seeing her gorgeous little face, but it’s 48 hours I have to enjoy some ‘me time’ and I know I’m very fortunate to be able to get it. So every moment is precious, I know soon enough I’ll be elbows deep in my role as working mother so for now it’s just about being in the moment. 

The Silent Assassin

In recent weeks our 18 month olds language has exploded. While we are constantly amazed by the words popping out of her cute tiny mouth it’s also led to my husband and I becoming silent assassins or catch and release wildlife warriors – depending on what we’re dealing with. 

It all started when Miss 1.5 learnt the word “spider” and informed me of a spider crawling across our floor. I promptly dealt with the situation and was super happy to have little miss sniper eyes watching my back. Although it turns out according to Miss 1.5 that Moths and Ants are now spiders too. If we even utter the word there’s a meltdown. This is where the silent assassin part comes in. My husband and I will now use silent code hand signals, grab a shoe and get the job done without a word. While Miss 1.5 is none the wiser!

While she’s a big fan of Lizards and has an evening ritual of waving ‘night night’ to them on the windows on her way to bed; I think it’d be a different story if there was one in her bedroom. Last night as we were taking her upstairs to bed; I do the silent point to hubs to indicate wildlife inside. It was the funniest thing, here I am cradling our half asleep toddler, without hesitation he whips off his shorts, flicks the 15cm gecko off the wall, throws his shorts over it, gently wraps it up and takes it outside to release. Returning fully clothed in 30 seconds flat! All in complete silence. 

Yeah we are silent ninja assassin parents! And this is from the guy who made me promise that I’d have to deal with all spiders, pre marriage. Funny how things change when kids come into the equation.